Art by IveryDraws

Caladin goe Caelius

Wayward son of Aldenard

From the ashes a fire shall be woken;
A Light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be the blade that was broken;
The Crownless again shall be king.
-J.R.R. Tolkien

Narrative Résumé

"I shall never surrender his dream."
Born an accident of circumstances, Caladin, or Arenvalde as was his birth-name, is an outwardly enigmatic character, who shrouds himself in duplicitous personalities and manipulates with ease and no second thoughts. Having by force of context gravitated into becoming Garlean frumentarii in his early youth, Caladin spent much of his teenage years and young adulthood in the care and tutorship of an up-and-coming protégé of Menenius sas Lanatus, one of Legatus Noah van Gabranth of the fourth legion's most experienced and skillful Tribunus. There, young Caladin learned much of how the hearts and wills of men functionned from the wizened elezens that found solace and service in the IVth. There, Caelius progressively grew aware of Legatus van Gabranth's force of character, adopting the Legatus as a role model, and making his vision of an idealized future his own as well.
"In truth, all societies are build upon the same bedrock of hierarchical structures, as they should be. Whether it be Ul'dah's monetarists, ever scheming against eachother for economical gain, Sharlayan's dominance of the studied and scholarly, or the Empire's rigid meritocratic military. None are, however, as sinful and built upon aberrant foundations as Ishgard, however; for Ishgard's most sacrosanct pillar is one not of merit, of intelligence or of guile, but of Blood, the choice of which far beyond the hand of anyone but Providence's to control."
-Caladin, to a dear friend.
The much unfortunate passing of Caladin's true paternal when the young half-elezen passed his twenty-first birthday provided both a chance for the younger man to rekindle with his true roots, and a golden opportunity for both himself and his idealistic loyalties to burgeon whilst in the shadow of a gilded knight's name and, ironically, the same governance the bastard once swore to see reduced to the annals of history. Ever since his return to Eorzea, things have seemingly turned around for Caladin, as pieces fell, wittingly or not, into his plans and desires. No cost is too great, when one must start from the very bottom to idealize a dream into reality; this, the golden-maned halfblood-elezen had understood very early, and forcefully so, when the mistake of his birth had become too much to bear for his father, two decades prior.

X - X - X - X


Art by Ratmom

Agent #057 - Golden goose

Legal NameCaladin goe Caelius
Date of Birth10th Astral Moon Nald'thal, 5th Sun
RaceElezen-Garlean Halfblood
Height6'9 fulms
Nationality (True)Garlemald - IVth Legion Dalmasca [Formerly]
Noble PeerageHouse Géraint paternally
CitizenshipGarlean Empire
Marital StatusSingle
Profession/OccupationIVth Legion infiltrated spymaster
Imperial RankingGoe - Primus Frumentarius


AlignmentNeutral Good
Personality TypeINTJ-T; The Architect
Faith (Official)Gabranth's Dream
Faith (Undeclared)Thordan was right

"I ask thee... wherest art we now? Shall we abandon the greatest dream engineered by Lord Noah? Shall we spit on the graves of the thousands who died to build an attempt at a homeland free of the ignorances of gods, differences and superstitions? NAY! We who prosecute an unsurmountable war of attrition, as the Fatherland falls to demons and the city-states to lies and complacency, must be the ones to account for the ever-growing tally of plunders, deaths, murders and rapes that such a war would bring. Only by taking full responsibility for what was, and what could be, will we be able to rise above the petty squabbles of faiths and nobilities."

To him, first appearances are everything, and whilst one may sometimes hide untapped diamonds amidst hay, the realization that such is more often then not unlikely to be the case has led the garlean halfblood to carefully weave a projected image of himself in every interaction he partakes in. A relative master in social performance, seldom does he lose the control necessary to keep his true feelings hidden. Several years spend in the byzantine, treacherous nest that is the ishgardian nobility has taught him much about identifying the aims, goals and values of others at a glance, and he applies this instinct in remaining in favorable grounds with most, ensuring that even his greatest rivals do not pay an excess of attention to him.Having spent nearly more time in observation of the intricate structures of the Garlean war machine and the social mechanics in such a rigid society, Caladin has developed an acute talent at second-guessing when and where he can allow himself to bear a looser personality, and when and where his rigidity must be as unshaking as steel. Being able to interact with the elezen in a context where the display of his emotions could be perceived as genuine should be taken as a compliment and a great sign of trust, for he has improved on a latent capacity to judge the character of others by gut-feeling- a talent that has yet to fail him, unlike many other things.In a surprising twist, however, this selfsame capacity has developed into a surprisingly blunt side of his personality, which he sometimes will display to declare socio-political positions that may be either shocking or counter to the norm in the most open of manners, showing a certain 'gambling man' attitude. Such shows a certain idealism not commonly found in the rank and file Imperial, and particularly not in most Garlean officials, which may server as to demonstrate why Caladin found Noah van Gabranth, a similar visionary, to be a worthy role model.

Defining traits

(+) Patient
The Elezen-halfblood does not mind waiting in the slightest, if the reason is worth the time. He does not take decisions out of impatience, or brash thinking, nor does he expects others to think he will. Patience is to him one of the strongest character traits one can have or develop.
(+) Pragmatic and calculating
Even as an idealist, Caladin remains drilled by Imperial empiricism, leading him to rely overwhelmingly on a methodical approach. The man will, even when he acts in drastic ways, only do so based on a logical reasoning beforehand. This elezen is not one to act irrationally, especially not in life-threatening situations.
(=) Meticulously Earnest
Caladin makes it a priority to never outrightly lie to anyone. He may 'omit', evade, avoid or manipulate, yet such will never be done without at least a fair ounce of truth behind his will, words and actions. He loathes genuine swindlers, liars and abusers, who profit out of the naivety of others, yet can't be called the summit of honesty himself either.
(=) Taciturn
Caladin is a man of few words, who would rather accomplish his purpose through concrete action and achievement then with intelligent sayings and theories. When the man talks, he states things he can be certain of.
(-) Unpredictable loyalties
To many who will meet him and come to interact, 'Arenvalde' will appear trustworthy, honorable and kind. Much of this is but a play of smokes and mirrors, however. As far as men go, this one is amidst the least predictable when it comes to his relations of trust, of service and of allegiance. His life's work is dictated by a set of moral maxims and aims only known intrinsically by he and he alone.
(-) Hellbent
No cost too great.

Hooks and roleplay Plots

character hooks & initiators

---Distant, and yet... observant.
There is something quaint about the way Caladin usually approaches situations or behaves when out of the center of attention, whether it be under the guise of Arenvalde or not. An incredibly wandering gaze, a straying attention, and an inquisitive visage. Is such born out of an hidden impulsive desire for control, a developed habit as an informant or does it belie a latent fear of some kind?
---Earthly sins
While far, far from an hedonist, Caladin will often be noticed smoking the Kiseru, an oriental longpipe, or when unavailable, more western cigars. In addition, he does not shy away from the occasional drink and spirit, and could be said to have built a moderate resilience to such. A professional socialite, he seldom shows his interest in a manner as to seem desperate, yet he'd likely be lying if he denied he also enjoyed the company of intellectually-entertaining and physically attractive members of the opposite gender.
---Man of many cultures
Having spent his very early youth in Gridania, his late childhood and the entirety of his teenage years in Garlean Dalmasca, as well a large deal of his ongoing adulthood in either Ishgard or Kugane, Caladin could rightfully be described as an enjoyer of many cultures, and a master of none. This metropolite nature to his character is something he actually enjoys discussing and indulging in, within what is professionally realistic. Want to attend an Hingan Kabuki? He's your man. An Ishgardian Joust? He's partaken in many, as much as he's wandered the Black Shroud for ruins and curiosities. Learning about the cultures of others is a small boon the spymaster allows himself.
---Melancholy and Nostalgia
The relatively recent downfall of the IVth legion, and the death of it's dream's founder has brought goe Caelius into a perhaps temporary state of relative disillusionment, not to say depression. Much of his smiles and jovial mask are fabrications, that belie a soul in conflict in itself, a survivor of a traveler's and bastardly lifestyle, desperate for appeasement and familiarity. A weak point, perhaps?
---Ishgardian internal affairs
Whilst Caladin is undoubtedly a traitor to Ishgard's security and established regime, he has also gotten very experienced with the Holy See's internal stage, using his diplomatic talents to establish bridges between Houses and building a network of contacts and allies in various walks of life. This set of options could be used, although one may not know to which extent the cost of such might be...
---Patron of the Arts
Caladin goe Caelius, whilst by most accounts not what one would call an high aristocrat, possesses considerable enough wealth, acquired through both legal and less palatable means to be able to fund and properly appreciate artistic endeavors. Whether it be the practice of the blade, the pen, the brush or the voice, the halfblood could be described as an enjoyer of most music and art. Performances, theaters and festivals beware!


I - The foundations of a Man

Bitter solstice dark
The vernal eagle travels
Beyond the orient

The child opened his tired gaze, bronze-gold eyes peering through the bars of the crummy lower deck opening that served a poor excuse for the window, to the penumbral, endless mass of water that laid as far as the elven eye could see. Angular, slightly famished traits were sporadically brushed by the dangling lantern light, as the boy held just enough energy from the cruel gruel to raise and lean his head against the curving wood of the ship’s wall. His hollow reflections were at times interrupted by the passing of the many crewmen, some harsher than others. He did not care much; Such a level of mental amorphy seldom reached by naught but the most purposeless of individual, those who were either born with nothing, or had lost everything. Misfortune hung heavy upon those whose heads were held low. From frigid birth to forests dark and now hands most greedy, the young garlean-elezen had travelled much, though never yet of his own volition. A culmination of unfortunate and unpremeditated circumstances as much of one’s childhood had been.Yet, why would life be so unfair? What greater Eikon was to blame for it? Was there any blame to place at all? Simplistic, easily-understandable concepts for the mind of a child. There was bad, and there was good. Victims and evil-doers, right and wrong. Or was there something else, an explanation, something that would justify what hath befallen him? Something a little more akin to Providence, perhaps?Then up from the old pine the Moon rose.

II - Finding salvation in purpose

Branding iron throne
A young warrior absconds
For the perfect peace

The fledgling once again lifted the hefty blade, his overexerted muscles desperately screaming for release and an end to the ruthless drilling. The teen sent his messy, endlessly-growing mane backwards, pearls of sweat rolling down his forehead and pointed traits. Such harsh training had done wonders for the boy’s growth spur, yet lank imperial halfblood limbs yet had to be covered in stronger muscles, in order to serve the greater cause. The watchful eye of Tribunus sas Lanatus over the lad and his fellow trainees served as a constant reminder of expectations he had to fulfill, and of the strictness and meritorious achievements that were expected of him. For once in his life, however, the teen had begun to feel a sense of renewed purpose; someone expected something of him; something greater and infinitely more meaningful then his simple disappearance into the flow of history’s unfortunate casualties. Droplets of blood began accompanying the steady rivulets of sweat down his cheek, where his partner had cut him. Such seemed to matter as much to the youth, however, as the synthetic light of projectors replacing that of the waning twilight sun.Time was of so little value now. All that now mattered was that, of the two neophyte warriors remaining standing atop the square of sand, blood and metal, he was the last one standing. Suffering, weariness, aspirations, toilings and identity all amounted to naught before the vital importance that was where Sas Lanatus’s eyes would fall- upon the absolute willpower of which of the two. The young half-elezen slid his right foot backwards, knee shaking in faint tremors of utter protest. Two brass lights befell the other, a raen youth, also a homeless mutt gathered from the streets. The boy also bore determination enough; on his own torso and shoulders, golden-mane could see the scarred remnants of lash strikes, laid there long ago, an area which seemed to be protected by his opponent curving his shoulders forwards. A pernicious weakpoint, perhaps, one to be exploited by the bold and roguish. Victory is achieved by the ruthless; there was no second thought for pity. The teen lifted the oversized, somewhat dulled sword. The Tribunus snapped his fingers.And the Moon shone on the unsheathed swords.

III - The return

Amidst meadows gold
A father in rancor slept
Thoughts for times of old

The young man stood coldly, his golden, analytic gaze staring downwards, upon the growing lake of crimson red. A figure slept within, one he might have once known, yet one that never had a single thought for him, so utterly motivated in its own excess. Even now, his presence, him, the harbinger of the figure’s fall, was prompted by a desire to secure the figure’s own, selfish legacy. Such vile scoundrel deserved no more air to breathe in this world. He lifted the dagger, golden eye descending to peer at the polished, blood-stricken steel. There, he found only his own, glowing gaze, yet in such mirrored sight rested a demon in it’s own right. Was this righteous? Was this path justified, or was the pandora’s box he had blown open a poisonous treasure of it’s own right?Sin, paid for and avenged in sin. After twenty years, golden-mane had righted the wrong that was perpetrated, by committing an even greater crime. Such irony did life have in store at times like these.Patricide. Such a formal, weighted word. One of the greatest sins of men, even when such was fully deserved. At the very least, it could not be blamed on selfishness of the perpetrator’s own- this would serve a grand jumping board, to further the great ordeal that he had become apart of, and thus would his time and life gain more value that the old man ever had. As the ordeal he once sought to follow another in now shook with the failure of his master and hero, it had to now fall unto the Son of the Elezen to take the necessary measures to keep His Dream alive, whatever the costs might have been; he owed it to those who saved his life, who wished for a life better for all mortals.But now, where is the brightness of bygone days?

OOC Information

25 - Male

RPG Rating & roleplay themes

I prefer a good quality of roleplay, with themes that can and are welcome to be heavier in terms of intrigue, politics, social interactions and other sources of conflict, friendship or emotional involvement. I consider myself open-minded, and am willing to hear out most roleplay ideas that are based on well-developed concepts or lore.I will play mature content, including themes related to gambling, imprisonment, sexuality, alcohol and other substances, injury, betrayal, the list goes on.

I am a canadian bachelor who has worked in the private security industry & military.
My hobbies involve political studies and world affairs, gaming, music, arts and poetry, horror content and graphic design, cinematography such as Del Toro or Jackson's movies, Vaporwave aesthetics and various intrigue-based TV and animated shows. I quite enjoy architecture, house design and good quality foods as well.
Some of my design works can be found in the Gallery linked below.


English - French


Discord - Arktor#3587
FFXIV - Mateus | Crystal

Do not hesitate to send me whispers in-game or via Disc, although I might be AFK at a given time, I'll do my best to eventually reply!

You can find Caladin's alternate, Eorzean identity, Arenvalde Géraint, here!

OOC Aesthetic art gallery

I've made much of the assets of this Carrd website myself. The art displayed below is only graphical edits and several aesthetic pieces made about lore characters or fellow roleplay characters upon request or gifting, but I don't claim ownership of the actual art piece chunks that were used for my edits.